A creative juice bar, as it were...

Welcome to the C-Force! This is a forum designed to inspire and foster creativity by creating accountability. The participants exchange creative assignments, whether of art, prose, poetry, or music, and a deadline is associated to ensure that the assignment is finished.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nate's sixth assignment: The Touch of Nate's Hand


Choose a medium that can be sculpted. It can be soap, clay, cheese, wood, or even marble (if you are feeling like a real Michelangelo-style challenge).

Have you chosen yet?

I'm not going to tell you the rest until you've made a choice...

Got it? Good.

Sculpt me something ironic, something that is either funny or thought-provoking specifically due to the medium (e.g. a mouse sculpted out of cheese, but you can do better than that). Sound good? Good. Post your due date as you please.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I like! Hmmm. I might make this one due two weeks from today. That would land me at the 17th of April. This'll be good, though.
