A creative juice bar, as it were...

Welcome to the C-Force! This is a forum designed to inspire and foster creativity by creating accountability. The participants exchange creative assignments, whether of art, prose, poetry, or music, and a deadline is associated to ensure that the assignment is finished.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nate's second assignment: "Na na na nanana na..."

Here is an interesting idea for you: Choose any of the songs you have been working up on your guitar, and write a set of lyrics for it. The twist: you have to include a repetitive refrain, a la Hey Jude or All These Things That I Have Done ("I got soul, but I'm not a soldier.").

Of course, these lyrics don't have to form the official final choice of lyrics for the song, but they certainly can if you so desire. Also, the instrumental may be altered if necessary to fit the requirements.

I'm thinking another week ought to be enough time, so I'll say a tentative due date of next Saturday, March 5, 2011. However, let me know if you need more (or less) time. Or if you just don't like the assignment.

Your submission may be either the written lyrics or a recording of them to the music.

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